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ایلومیناٹی اور کرونا |Illuminati Master Plan

 Illuminati Master Plan: Tells us the real planning about Illuminati from their home step to all over the world. In this articel you will see that how thay controle new world order.

Illuminati Master Plan

The Corona virus has spread all over the world. The business is closed. All walks of life for trade, education, religious gatherings, tourism are gone in a state of pause. Seven billion people around the world suffer from severe depression, depression. Neither the symptoms of the disease are clear nor the causes. Disease tests are also not possible with precision. The less developed countries, even remotely, the developed countries are not able to cope with this virus. planned

In the context of this whole situation, surely the question is very important: is this Corona virus a pandemic or is Bioterrorism? Is this plague-like disease naturally born or is it part of the biological warfare? Is this a tragedy or a regular planned conspiracy?

There have been many times before that I am a conspiracy theorist. In my opinion your agreement is not necessary, but I would definitely like to put my request before you.

To me the current outbreak of the Corona virus has spread around the world under a complete plan. Behind it is the world secret demonic organization Illuminati (1776). Details of the Illuminati and Free Mason, etc., at other times, but let me briefly state that this is a world secret demon organization. It has some very powerful families running behind it. (Rothschild family, Rockefeller family, British royal family, khazarians etc.)

More about Illuminati Master Plan 

These people are not directly followers of any religion but are directly worshiped by the devil and follow his instructions. Some people are apparently Jewish and some are Christians. The most important purpose of this organization is to facilitate the arrival of the Antichrist and the rule of his sovereignty with the help of Jews and proselytes. To achieve this basic goal, they have created a project called New World Order. This is a very devilish devil project with many parts and many steps and is multidimensional. The crux of the whole project is: * Establish one world government in the world,* The implementation of one world religion in the world,* Implementation of one world currency in the world,* And finally the formation of a consensus with the One World Leader (i.e. the highest recognition of the Antichrist or Antichrist). To achieve these goals, the plan is further subdivided into smaller plans, the most dangerous of which is to reduce the world's population from seven billion to one billion or fifty million. And this is the plan that is directly linked to the virus epidemic.

Devilish planners have many advantages over reducing the world's population. One is that the population will be relatively easy to control and manage. Later, installing Chips and monitoring their behavior will be much easier than most populations .
Secondly, it is difficult to psychologically prepare to keep more populations away from religion, rather than less populations. Also, imposing your culture on a lesser population is easier said than done. Thirdly, in the case of low population, the stability and sustainability of Planet earth will increase and the pressure on natural resources will be reduced which will improve for Ruling Elite.The fourth benefit would be that viruses and genetically engineered diseases would kill people who, in their view, are a burden to society or whose labor productivity is very low. In this way, the young powerful labor force will release them for a long time which I can use.

(For more research on this point, research Transhumanism, there are some important videos on YouTube)

Different methods will be used to reduce the world's population, including regional and global wars. Consumption of fast foods and chemicals packed foods and beverages. Promotion of severe but silent side effects drugs by multinational pharmaceutical companies. Global and regional prevalence of genetically engineered viruses and diseases. Global warming causes famine, floods, drinking water and commodity shortages.

These are the Illuminati's planning, now come the Corona virus side. To me, the spread of this virus like the pestilence around the world is part of the same vicious plan of the New World Order. Earlier, Ebola virus, Anthrax, HIV, Hanta virus, Dengue, Rota virus, SARS virus, MERS virus have been tested successfully.

Before the onset of the outbreak, give the international media its full coverage, make headlines, start talking to all the world leaders, scare people and harass, immediately lockdown, talk of curfew. This is the same SOP used for propaganda during the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. Along with spreading the disease, it was also an important factor behind the spread of this global level of propaganda and harassment through the media. And that was the purpose of Mind and Behavior Control, which is one of the most important weapons in Omnity. The spread of the Corona virus epidemic is simply a drill, an exercise, an experiment.

 The original War is still ahead. The spread of the current outbreak and the most intense and poignant media campaign in this regard is an important experience that is intended for further planning in the future.

The current outbreak may be controlled in 2 - 3 months and this time the mortality will be lower as well, but in the future this experience will give planners the ability to do better and risky planning. Illuminati has achieved very important results from the spread of the virus and the rest of the results will be revealed over time, but they can also be estimated. The results are.

The first thing is that people are totally unaware of the biological warfare and are still considering this bioterrorism as a natural epidemic which has a positive result for them.

A successful experiment to lockdown the world was made, and as a result of this lockdown, people's reactions to free media and religious leaders were noted and now the effects of this lockdown will be examined and the plan's flaws removed. A better plan will be made in the future.

Through this experiment, the concept of quarantine or quarantine has been conveyed to people all over the world in one stroke and they have been severely mentally paralyzed when they are ordered to quarantine someone who is ill. Don't protest, whether the person is physically ill or mentally ill. Thus we have been trained indirectly not to protest from seeing a loved one to a relative. So tomorrow when our religious leaders, politically-minded leaders will be declared mentally ill, we will not only be silent but also happy. As a barrier to any of our loved ones being executed by the devil, when it comes to removing us from being a victim of a self-inflicted virus or killing us with the pretense of a virus, we are unable to protest due to the Karuna virus training and programming. Will. (Some friends may be laughing at my words, but wait, this is going to happen in a few decades).

One result is that medical science around the world is still far behind the medical bio-engineering labs operating under Aluminati, and despite several months of devastating virus, no lab has been able to break it. That's very lucky for devil planners.

The most important result is that the world is now looking at the few pharmaceutical companies that are in control of these vicious organizations. The world is in a state of helplessness. The rulers are also calling the helpless and kneeling down. Today, people and rulers around the world are watching with amazement and hope at these Western pharmaceutical companies when it will be announced that the cure for the outbreak has been discovered. You probably can't imagine how happy the devil's priests would be at this point. They are thinking of a future scenario when they will destroy artificial famine all over the world and all the grain and commodities will be with these global capitalists and their leader will say to the Dajjal, "Believe me as your leader, then I will feed." Believe in God then I will show Artificial Rain and give you commodities. What a beautiful scene that would be. (This is also indicated in the hadeeth of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) that the food commodity rains will go under the control of the Antichrist. It will be difficult for people to save their faith.

Biotechnology in Illuminati Planning

I have also mentioned in a post earlier that in the coming years the same nation will be called superpower which will have Biotechnology, Genetic engineering, Biomechanics, Medicine and pharmaceutical technology and research. The medical industry will play an important role in the next wars where conventional combat equipment will be fought.

Remember, there are also many weaknesses of global satanic organizations, one of which is mass awareness. As more people become aware of their vicious schemes, their vicious schemes will expose so quickly and they will face resistance. Applying religion, rather than superficial information, is the true enemy of the devil's priests. Sexual misconduct and profanity are the main weapons of women's freedom.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that the Antichrist will appear only when talking about it is reduced. This is the situation today. When it comes to the Antichrist, people make fun of him. This is the temptation from which evil companions and other prophets, on the one hand, have sought refuge in the Prophet's own head. The Corona virus epidemic is one of the evils of the Antichrist. And this is just a small laboratory test.
The real epidemic is yet to come. This senselessness that we are feeling is nothing, the incoming Diwali temptations and evil will be much more than that. Imagine how evil the Dajjal would be and what was the reason that the prophets also sought refuge from him?

The need is for Muslims to be united and united. Instead of building luxury and unnecessary buildings, the Arab princes should spend their wealth in education and research in Muslim countries, and specialize in the fields of medical science, medicine, bio-engineering, and genetic engineering, and to avoid such fraudulent attacks, the general public and Make possible the preparation of natural medicines that increase the strength of immunity among Muslims. So that Muslims do not have to look to the West and do not have to bow down to Satan's priests even in the toughest of situations.

Until then, Welden Alumni, you've been successful in this experience. But remember you make your plans and Allah makes your plans, and Allah is the best planner.

(Note:1) Writing does not mean that the disease is not cautioned or the matter should be left alone in prayer.) Following the suggestions of neutral experts, taking precautionary measures is very important.

( Note:2) In this post only one aspect of the Karuna virus issue is discussed, its economic, political, defense aspects are different.

(Note:3) I just want to laugh at my words. Just sit down one day and research the topics of the New World Order, Antichrist and End of Times.

peace be upon you

Advocate Qasim Iqbal Jalali.

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